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Plans for 2019


Same as I say every year

I had a few games of CoC and IABSM using my France 1940 forces instead of the normal Normandy 1944 late last year and found it all a refreshing change of pace. I’m planning more of these for 2019.

Having built a load of scenery I really need to play Gaslands a bit more and I hope to play some games with my son. That will probably be fantasy or science fiction (possibly Kill Team from GW).

Sharp Practice is sure to get a played few times again this year and I’ll be surprised if Too the Strongest doesn’t show up on my most played list again, despite the fact that I don’t have any figures for it. .


Having missed my target for 2018 I’m going to try for it again.
2,000 points in the  TooFatLardies Painting Challenge 2019.  Specific plans.

  • 15mm Blitzkrieg CoC: I made a start on this in 2018, with core platoons for French Infantry forom A DI (Division Infanterie) or DIm (Division Infanterie Motorisée), German Infantry (normal from an Infantry Division or Schützen from a Panzer Division) but my plan for 2018 is to add some more French troops (Motocyclistes and perhaps some Dragon Portés) and a comprehensive selection of supports for both Germans and French, as I write this in mid-February I’ve made a good start here.
  • 10mm WWII  for IABSM: Another failed target from last year.
    I still need to finish off my French with some mounted cavalry and still need to buy transports for my  Dragons Portés and fill in with a few bits and bobs
  • 28mm Napoleonics for Sharp Practice: My British naval landing party needs finished off and I’ve got to paint a couple of rather nice boats that a friend gave me. The unpainted lead pile includes some Spanish Garrochistas from Eagle Figures, and Perry French Artillery, while in plastics I have some French Dragoons (Perry) and a large number of British Line Infantry. Hopefully I’ll get some of these painted by the end of the year.
  • Fantasy: I signed up for the Reaper Bones 4 Kickstarter (I just had to buy the skeleton dragon and bought a few more things while I was at it) and I’m expecting a delivery with a lot of undead types in March.
  • Warhammer 40K: I’ve been adding to a Space Marine force I’ve been building with my son for almost twenty years now and I’ll probably do a bit more of that in 2019.


  • WWII: I need to get some scenery done in three different scales – 6mm, 10mm and 15mm.


As per usual this is almost certain to change as new shiny stuff catches my eye. Specifically

  • British for my Blitzkrieg CoC project.
  • 15mm Gurkhas for Burma – I’ve still got all the Japanese I need and still there’s nobody to fight them.  I really like the look of these Gurkhas from Eureka Miniatures.


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3 Responses

  1. Good luck with that Derek. So far I am resisting the urge to do 1940 British, as it would just look unutterably tragic to have 51st HD for 1940, 1942 in the desert, and 1944 in NWE. But the 1940 French are done, and if BTD ever deliver the 1940 Germans, I am looking forward to giving those a run.

  2. Derek says:

    If you’re going to do the Highway Decorators then do them properly. If you were really tragic you’d get some for Sicily as well – long trousers and shirt sleeves. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/51st_(Highland)_Division#/media/File:The_British_Army_in_Sicily_1943_NA4306.jpg

  3. Now there’s a thought. I have been thinking about Italy, although it would mean a lot of new scenery in 28mm. But carefully planned, it could crossover with Spain for Sharp Practice Napoleonic.. hmm.. now who makes 28mm Scots in trouser and shirt-sleeve order.

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