Jasta Boelcke
Just finished off six doing repaint jobs on six planes of the Wings of War Fokker DR I Fritz Kempf models to represent six different planes from Jasta 2 (Boelcke) in February/March 1918. Information for the repaint jobs came from the Osprey book Jagdstaffel 2 ‘Boelcke’ in their Aviation Elite Units series.
All the planes have been modified by having their rear fuselages painted white on the port side and black on the starboard, a feature of Jasta 2 DR1s that’s strangely absent from the WoW model. My white paint failed to match that on the white squares around the Maltese Crosses on the prepaints so I overpainted these markings and replaced them with crosses from Dom’s Decals. The Kempf markings on the wings were overpainted with Knarlock Green from the Citadel Foundation Paints range, a colour that almost perfectly matches the green on the original model.
I’ve cut of the pegs on the underside of the models and replaced them with 1/8″ rare earth magnets also available from Dom. I can now use the models with Wings of War stands that I’ve modified with matching magnets and also with the Litko stands shown in the picture above which I use for playing Algernon Pulls it Off from Too Fat Lardies.
All the planes have been given pilots from Peter Pig’s Range 6, Odds and Ends. These look about a hundred times better than the mishapen blobs that made an appearance on the Wings of War Series 2 models.
Papenmyer. I wish I was better at painting stripes.
Plange – A white stripe edged in black with Maltese Crosses from Dom’s Decals on the sides and top of the fuselage.
Vallendor – letter V decals with hand painted serifs. Not quite the proper shape of V, but good enough for me.

Nice job! I have thought about doing them (Jasta Boelcke) in the future. I agree that the blobs are terrible. I think they would have been better off just leaving them without a pilot like series 1.
So with so many German squadrons do you plan on any more allies?
I’ve got six WoW Spad XIIIs awaiting complete repaints.
Going to do them in French five colour pattern.
Camels are good planes to use for for the Allies, serving from June 1917 until the end of the war.
I’ve got three Snipes and would bu six SE%as like a shot if WoW ever brought them out. I might even consider Skytrex.
Good to see you back in business after some WoW therapy!
Great job indeed!
For the white/black fuselage, please notice that Kempf had two Dr.I at this Jasta. Our is 213/17:
Both in these pictures and in several drawings and other models it does not seem to have that feature.
I have seen it on the other plane, 493/17, but I have no pictures. Here a profile, but I can not say anything on its accuracy:
Congratulations again for the nice job!
The only picture in the page you reference where it is quite clear that the fuselage is not painted aft of the Maltese Cross is the one captioned. “Dr1 213/17 with it’s original factory paint scheme.” The tailplane’s also in the original colour in that photograph rather than black and white as in your interpretation.
In the other pics on the web page the tailplane has been painted black and white but you can’t really see if the fuselage has been painted to match.
I’ll stick with my scheme, there’s pictures of several other planes from Jasta Boelcke with the black and white fuselage and it seems likely to me that Kempf’s plane would be the same.
I based my model on the interpretion of 213/17 in the Osprey book which can be seen at http://wp.scn.ru/en/ww1/f/416/59/2/8_b1
Great work!
Everything you read say that the green was actually green streaks over buff doped fabric, but frankly, while that looks great in 1/32, 1/48, and even – if you’re good – 1/72nd scales, it reaaaaally doesn’t read in 1/144th. I think you did these up the right way, and beautifully done!
If you’re interested in the SE5a, I agree that Skytrex is the one to do, much better than the Reviresco SE5.
Is there anyway I can get a list of the paint types and colors. I find that to be one of the hardest issue when doing repaints.
I found that Knarlock Greeen from the Games Worksop Foundation Paint range is almost a perfect match for the green on the prepaints.
None of the other colours are at all critical.
They look brilliant !