AK47 Ztum – Setum Website Relaunched
Back in the early 2000s I set up a website covering the Ztum-Setum campaign we were running at the South East Scotland wargames club using Peter Pig’s AK47 Republic rules for warlord level battles in post-war Africa.
It was a real “state of the art 1990s” website and it fell into disrepair when we ran out of steam with the campaign and I moved on and started using blog platforms to chronicle my wargames activities.
Inspired by a game of “classic” AK47 I played in a couple of weeks ago I’ve revamped the old Ztum-Setum website and put it back online on WordPress.com
The main content on the site is articles about the factions involved and a Models Index with pictures of the models we used in the campaign. But there’s other useful stuff there including graphics that you can use to make casualty and pinned markers.
I’ve started to transfer the old Ztum-Setum Online News section, game reports from the campaign. There’s six issues up already and I’ll be relleasing another issue every Friday for the next fourteen weeks.
The inspiration doesn’t stop there, I’m rebasing and updating all my old forces. I’d forgotten just what a fun game AK47 is.

Fantastic this website was the sole reason I got into AK47. Happy Man!
Thanks for that. Feedback on this has all been hugely positive and I’m really glad that I updated the site. It’s obviously something that people value.