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A Village in Ruins

A busy two weeks painting up and converting ruined buildings for my 15mm WWII games. I’ve now got eleven of the things – enough for a small hamlet.  I have no idea who made any of these resin buildings, their origins are lost in the mists of time.


This project has been on my to-do list for a while, but it really kicked off when I bought some resin buildings from Jim Duncan, a friend from South East Scotland Wargames Club who is raising money for charity by selling off the collection of Iain Holt, another friend who unfortunately died last year.  This is what I got from Iain’s collection.


Nice buildings and I got them for a reasonable price, but they were missing some pieces (floors and roofs)  and needed repainted to fit in with my other Normandy buildings.


The roofs are made from plasticard sheets from  Wills material packs which I bought from Harburn Hobbies in Edinburgh.  There’s a lot of useful stuff in that range. tiles, various types of stone, boarding, brickwork and corrugated glazing.  The floor sections are made from cardboard, coffee stirrers and strip wood.    The rubble is made from model railway ballast and cut up coffee stirrers.


Here’s one of the strips of three buildings after I’d finished with it.


And from the other side.


I broke up one of strips to get a couple of single buildings.



I’ve also tarted up a couple of ruined buildings I’ve had for years.   And painted this one.



I’m now going to paint some 10mm buildings I’ve had lying around for years and try my hand at scratch-building some more for 15mm.  I want a village rather than a hamlet Smile

I also need to think about the other scenery that you’d find in a village, roads walls etc.


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3 Responses

  1. Looks pretty nifty to me Derek. Maybe we’ll be there at Claymore(?).

    I wish I could be up there playing again, though to be fair, we’ve moved back to Durham and I’m at the Durham club again. I was actually playing the new Osprey ACW rules in 10 mil last Thursday. They feel a bit weird with a base of 2×6 10mm mini’s acting as a regiment- it just doesn’t have the feel of a battle if you see what I mean? Apart from that I enjoyed the game. The rules worked well, it was just the look of the game that got me.


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