Samurai Decal Sizing
My samurai decals are available in any size you want from 3mm up to 20mm. Below I have shown my recommendations for use on the banners provided by some popular manufacturers of 28mm samurai figures. I have not got access to all the standards from all known manufacturers, so this list is not complete. If you are in doubt as to what size of decal you want I suggest you download my sizing pdf, print it out, cut out the squares and see which size works best for you . Note that the size specified for my decals is the width of the decal at its widest point, and that for some of them the height different. Please email me at if you need more information.

Fireforge Games
I recommend 5mm decals for the sashimonos in the plastic kits from Fireforge Games. I’ve not seen any of their Nobori so can’t really make a recommendation yet (I will be getting some soon).
Horos: The question of what size you want to use on a Horo is slightly more complicated, there is a balance between the size if the decal and the ease with which you can apply it to the highly curved Horo. Big decals look better, but are more difficult to apply than smaller ones, I suggest a maximum size of 8mm unless you’re highly experienced with these things. .
Best get a few spares in case you get something wrong. And use a decal fixing product of some kind (I use Micro Set or Micro Sol).