Review of 2022

2022 was a busy year for gaming, I fitted in 101 miniatures games in the course of the year and 36 boardgames. Building a permanent table in my study has certainly given me extra opportunities to play. Games were as follows.
Miniatures Games Played (total for year 101 games)
31 x Warcry.
10 x Congo.
9 x Test of Honour.
7 x Stargrave.
6 x Border Wars.
5 x Et Sans Resultat.
4 x Sharp Practice, Star Wars Legion, Xenos Rampant.
3 x Infamy!, Oathmark.
2 x Mortal Gods Mythic, O Group, Strength & Honour.
1: x AWI, Bonsai Bonkers, Chain of Comman, Dux Brit, Galactic Heroes, Men Who Would Be Kings, Pony Wars, Saga, What a Tanker!
That’s a lot of variety, but there seems to have been an emphasis on skirmish games, with more than half the games I played falling into that category.

Boardgames Played (total for year 36 games)
5 x Memoire ’44, Ticket to Ride
4 x Kingdom Death Monsters, Zombicide.
3 x Dark Tower, Horrified, Massive Darkness, Pandemic.
1 x Judge Dredd Helter Skelter, Lords of Waterdeep, Scooby Doo, Sniper Elite’ Splendor, Star Saga
Planned Painting
2,326 in the TooFatLardies Painting Challenge 2022, a respectable score but slightly less than last year.
Infamy! Infamy!: My painting objectives for 2022 included expanding my Punic Wars forces for Infamy! Infamy! and I now have extensive Roman and Carthaginian options.
Test of Honour: I finally completed my Sohei and Ikko Ikki, forces for use in Test of Honour.

Warcry: Untamed Beasts, Thunderstrikee Stormcast and Flesheater Courts. The Untamed Beast are currently my favourite warband and saw extensive use throughout the year.
Science Fiction: Plans to expand my forces for Stargrave were more than fulfilled when I went a bit daft and churned out almost a hundred generic science fiction troops that I can use in both Stagrave and the new Xenos Rampant rules from Osprey.
Border Wars: As predicted I got into the Border Wars skirmish game from Flags of War and .have put together two forces.

Undead: Vampires, Revenants, Skeletons and an Undead Dragon to expand my already massive fantasy undead forces.

Unexpected Diversions
Star Wars: I’ve been a Star Wars fan for years and finally cracked and bought into the Star Wars Legion game. I painted up a load of Imperial Stormtroopes and supporting troops. Played Legion four times and then decided that I’d rather use the toys in Xenos Rampant. Then I painted up some Rebels 🙂

Congo: One of my usual playing partners has always wated to try the Congo skirmish game and a bargain at the Bring & Buy at Claymore 2022 saw me pick up the rules and a bunch of models at a bargain price. This was just a start and I now have extensive forces for all four of the Coluns in the rules.
Scenery – Printing and Painting
Three main projects this year, science fiction terrain in the style of the Battle of Scarif in the film Rogue One, a four foot stretch of Samurai castle walls and a small Ferrmtoun for Border Wars.