Progress with Sharp Practice
I was thinking about writing my annual review of the year and, when I looked back through my postings for 2016, I noticed that I’ve not blogged much about Sharp Practice, which was one of my major projects of the year. It’s probably because I’ve just been working away steadily at it putting together core forces.
French for the Peninsular War – that’s six stands of 8 x Light (or line) Infantry, supported by two groups of six Voltigeur skirmishers. These are a mixture of Perry and Warlord miniatures. I have more to paint, some Grenadiers (or Carabiniers), some more Voltigeurs, Dragoons, some wagons and a Six Pounder.
And to oppose the French a small force of Spanish Guerillas. Three groups of ten men (counting as Provincial Militia) and four groups of six Guerilla Skirmishers. Models from Front Rank, the mounted leader is a conversion made for me by Jack of the Pioneer Painting blog.
The start of a Sepoy force for Sharp Practice in the Indian Mutiny. It’s about half done, I still have three groups of Sepoy Rabble to paint, then I’ll be going back to Mutineer Miniatures for some more toys.
I also got some sabots to use with my 15mm French Indian Wars collection from Blue Moon, which I blogged about earlier in the year. Loads more of those to paint, with wagons as well.