More Scenery
Finished this week, more stuff from Goldfinger models. First some pieces from their range of entrenchments.
R26 Remblais de Combat – these will come in handy as Entrenchments for Chain of Command.
R.27 Barricade – I see this being used a lot in CoC Espana, just the thing for the POUM militia to defend.
R 270 / Ensemble de retranchements caisses et sacs
N610 Serie des Murs Hauts (set of high walls)from the Normandy Village range. These are lovely models, but they are high 3.5Cm is about eleven feet at 1:100. You do find walls this high in Normandy, but most of the high walls commonly found in villages are nearer eight feet tall.
I bought these walls from Javis many years ago, they cost about £1.20 a piece nowadays.