Undead Samurai
As a wargamer who has hundreds of undead figures for fantasy armies and likes samurai for historical games I have always been attracted by the Undead Samurai range Zenit Miniatures make for their Kensei fantasy skirmish game. But I have always been put off from buying them by the price, £9 for a single 28mm hero or £20 for five normal troops is just too rich for me, so I’ve always managed to resist the temptation.
Well Zenit had a 30% off sale on Black Friday which got me looking at them again and when I looked closely it turned out that I could put together a skirmish force using their starter set, which is sold at a decent discount anyway. In the end I got a force at under half the price price they’d normally costa at retail. That made them affordable and it got even better when I found Wayland Games selling a box of ten Undead Samurai Archers for £20 inc P&P.
It took me less than a month to get this force done. All the banners have been done using decals from the Undead Samurai decal range, available for sale here.
I intend to use these models for small scale fantasy skirmishes using the Fistful of Lead rules and at some point I’ll try and put together a fantasy variant for Test of Honour, using ideas from Mortal Gods Mythic. But all that is going to have to wait until I actually play Mortal Gods Mythic.
Come January Zenit launched the Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter and it turns out that it was a bargain as well, again the figures I’m planning on getting for will come in at around half retail. OK I don’t really want some of the free add-ons that come with the Kickstarter but I should be able to sell them on Ebay and most of the figures I’m going to get will fit in really well with my force above.
Highlights of the Kickstarter include an Undead Dragon, Undead Sohei Monks and Undead Cavalry (based on the Ii “Red Devils” by the look of them). Being in the Kickstarter wuill also give me the opportunity to buy some of their existing lines at a reduced cost.
Zenit Miniatures are expensive, except when they’re not.