Goldfinger Scenery Painted
In a blog post last week I talked about a big batch of scenery I have purchased from Goldfinger Models in France. Well I’ve now got some of it painted, and I must say that I’m not disappointed. .
First up F500 KC Ensemble Metairie Detruite (damaged farmhouse buildings)pictured with some of my 15mm British to give an idea of size. It’s quite big and looks like it would do for 20mm as well as 15mm.
Here are some of the walls – bits of two sets of N 700A Serie de murs en pierre avec 2 murs pilier (series of stone walls with 2 walls with pillars) They’re all 5cm long and 1.8 cm high.
This set also comes with a number of ruined walls.
To paint these models I’ve mostly used Dulux emulsion paint. In particular Caramel Blush 1, 2, 3 and 4. I painted the building and walls overall with a coat Caramel Blush 1, brushed on some Devlan Mud ink (I’m going to haver to find a replacement for that soon, supplies are running out) and then drybrushing with Caramel Blush 3 and a final light brush of Caramel Blush 4.
Here’s the palette
I’ve also made up some jump off points for Chain of Command
And repainted two ruins I’ve had for many years so they fit in with this new colour scheme for buildings.