Crisis? What Crisis?
Crisis in Antwerp of course. A few of us from the South East Scotland Wargames Club are off to Crisis, the Tin Soldiers of Antwerp show on November 7th where we will be running participation games of Galleys, Guns and Glory, a Renaissance naval wargame from Skull and Crown.
We’ve developed a scenario that will allow six players to get a taste for the rules in a game that will last just under a hour. We’ve play-tested a few times and today I started work on the visuals. Every player will have a sheet detailing his ships, with pictures so they can remember what they look like.
Here’s the models, all of which have been pained by Jack Glanville of the Pioneer Painting blog.
First up the Turks
Balkan Squadron
Barbary Corsairs
Then we have the the Christians.
Holy League