Cheaper basing.
In an earlier posting I showed the current method I’m using to base my troops, a method which gives a look of which I’m rather proud, but which only takes a few minutes to do.
To texture my bases I have been using Games Workshop Modelling Sand which has recently gone up in price to £4 for a small tub. Well that was the final straw and I’ve been experimenting with mixing my own base texture using a mixture of ballasts from Woodland Scenics. What I’ve found works best for me is a mixture of their Fine Brown Ballast and Dark Brown Course Ballast.
These pictures show bases being made with the Games Workshop Modelling sand on the left and my own Woodland Scenics mixture on the right. There’s not a lot of difference I’m sure you’ll agree and it’s much, much cheaper.
I get my Woodland Scenics ballast from my local model railway shop or over the Web from EC Scenics where they charge £2.55 for a 10 oz bag containing over twice the weight of the GW £4 tub. 32 oz shakers come in at £7.70 and EC charge postage at cost.