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Category: Scenery

More Scratch-building

A week of scratch-building and I got to use all the ruins I’ve been working on in a game of Chain of Command at the South East Scotland Wargames Club....

Scratch-building Shutters

One common theme of all the buildings I’ve been modifying and scratch-building for my 15mm Normandy project is the shutters.  They are such a distinctive feature of Normandy architecture that...


Having painted loads of resin buildings I decided to try scratch-building some of my own.  The walls of the building are made from foamcore stuck together with a hot glue...

More Scenery

Finished this week, more stuff from Goldfinger models.  First some pieces from their range of entrenchments. R26 Remblais de Combat – these will come in handy as  Entrenchments  for Chain...

Goldfinger Scenery Painted

In a blog post last week I talked about a big batch of scenery I have purchased from Goldfinger Models in France.  Well I’ve now got some of it painted,...

A 4Ground Repaint

A 15mm Semi 3 from the 4Ground Europe at War range.  I bought this already painted then repainted it and added details so that it would fit in with all...