More Scratch-building
A week of scratch-building and I got to use all the ruins I’ve been working on in a game of Chain of Command at the South East Scotland Wargames Club....
A Wargamer's Blog
A week of scratch-building and I got to use all the ruins I’ve been working on in a game of Chain of Command at the South East Scotland Wargames Club....
One common theme of all the buildings I’ve been modifying and scratch-building for my 15mm Normandy project is the shutters. They are such a distinctive feature of Normandy architecture that...
Having painted loads of resin buildings I decided to try scratch-building some of my own. The walls of the building are made from foamcore stuck together with a hot glue...
A busy two weeks painting up and converting ruined buildings for my 15mm WWII games. I’ve now got eleven of the things – enough for a small hamlet. I have...
Finished this week, more stuff from Goldfinger models. First some pieces from their range of entrenchments. R26 Remblais de Combat – these will come in handy as Entrenchments for Chain...
In a blog post last week I talked about a big batch of scenery I have purchased from Goldfinger Models in France. Well I’ve now got some of it painted,...
A 15mm Semi 3 from the 4Ground Europe at War range. I bought this already painted then repainted it and added details so that it would fit in with all...
In a comment on a posting I made some time last year Justin of the Model Dad’s blog told me about a French company, Goldfinger Models, who make a wide...
I’m considered a bit strange by some of my wargaming friends because I really dislike some of the pre-painted buildings from 4Ground, particularly their 15mm Europe at War range. I...
I’ve decided to stop painting toy soldiers this month and make more effort on the scenery front. I have projects that have been waiting to be done for months, sometimes...
I finished these four 15mm buildings a few weeks back, but haven’t found the time to blog about it until today. They’re all from Warbase’s 15mm WWII range, though I...
Having seen the rather lovely buildings that Richard Clarke of TooFatLardies uses for his 28mm WWII games I emailed the nice people at HACME Construction Services and asked them how...