Sabots bases for Muskets & Tomahawks
Got these sabot bases custom- made by Martin at Warbases . I just gave him rough sketches of what was wanted and he took the whole thing from there –...
A Wargamer's Blog
Got these sabot bases custom- made by Martin at Warbases . I just gave him rough sketches of what was wanted and he took the whole thing from there –...
Just finished painting four of the rather good 15/18mm French Indian War buildings from Blue Moon Manufacturing. These are available in the UK by special order from Old Glory UK,...
Painting of forces has been going quickly and I’m now sorted for 600 point games with my French. That’s 2 French officers of the Compagnies Franches de la Marine, 2...
Reviews of of this game can be found at Mike Hobbs’ blog, The Life and Times of a Wargames Butterfly, or at Rick Jones’ Surfshack Games . Episode 88 of...