Another Weekend and Another Show
I had a very good day out with my son yesterday at Conflict Scotland, a Games Workshop competion in Glasgow.
Neither Duncan nor I play competition games but there were enough participation games and hobby activities (scenery making, diorama making and speed painting) to keep two nine year olds entertained for seven and a half hours. And they still didn’t want to leave at the end.
Some spectacular games. Thirteen giants on a table anyone? Or around five hundred Space Marines in two linked games? And there was some amazing scenery on show.
I didn’t play anything (historical stuff is more to my taste these days), but I did join in one of their scenery making sessions, getting a couple of sprues of their new Cityscape stuff for my efforts. I made these up into something my son will be able to use for 40K, LoTR, Warhammer Fantasy or even Mordheim.
Dioramas under construction
My freebies from the scenery workshop